Individual Reflection Words | 8 Pages. Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2 2 Reflective Cycle (Gibbs G, ) 3 Description 3 Feelings 3 Evaluation 4 Good experiences 4 Bad Experiences 4 Analysis 4 Conclusion of learning experience 5 Action Plan 5 3 Kolb’s Learning Cycle () 5 4 Conclusion of Report 6 5 Works Cited 6 Table of Figures No table of Some of the positive aspects we encountered as a group include, Sense of Ownership, Teamwork or group work encourage team members to feel proud of their contributions to the group and feel pleased. Working on achieving team’s goals allows team members to feel they own the team/group The purpose of this report is to reflect my experience on our group assignment. In this report I will discuss my experience in relation to formation of our group, organization of work and how did we manage our group work. Group Formation. This is the initial stage. This is the time when the group members and the tasks of the group will be decided
(PDF) Reflection Paper Reflection on the group project Introduction | Peter Ying -
We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Individual Reflection on Teamwork Teamwork is very essential to amalgamate several individuals with varied experiences and knowledge. I believe that the presence of teamwork increases the possibilities of attaining a higher degree of effectiveness or efficiency in work. I also believe that it provides better performance leading to superior outcomes because the weaknesses of a particular individual belonging to the team may be compensated by the strength of another.
Don't use plagiarized sources. These processes provide improvements to the group as a whole, not just individually. The first step, goal setting, is the most significant part of the process and gives a possible measure to the program. After our team was established, or before the process is started, a goal or set of goals for our team to attain was created. The goal setting, which our team performed, encompassed the possible things that the team could learn, and it measured whether the team is performing well together.
It also dealt on what particular aspects or skills, such as risk taking, listening, communication, trusting and leadership, should be considered or given high priority. The second stage of the process in teamwork is awareness. This particular step helped us get along with the other team members. It also provided an atmosphere where the team members could fit in, despite our differences.
It also made us appreciate one another, resulting to increased respect, trust and openness within the team. With this particular step, the team was able to easily discuss topics and issues related to the goals that we have previously set. The third step or stage performed was trust activities. These activities provided outcome in two ways. First, it improved my example of individual reflective report on group work to another team member.
Second, it improved my trust to the whole team. I know that other trust activities are designed or specifically performed to improve intellectual trust. I believe that trust is the most significant part of a successful teamwork and through trust activities it could be created, developed or further improved.
On the other hand, cooperative activities serve like glue that binds the group together. With cooperation activities, the team members, I in particular, felt that we have successfully achieved a particular goal or objective because of team effort, and not because of a particular individual or team member. The group challenge refers to activities that test the group, and oftentimes, these activities are problem solving.
The group challenges provided example of individual reflective report on group work, as the name suggest, challenges where I or the other group members exerted or showed our experiences, knowledge, and skills. With group challenges, it was necessary for the group to work and solve the problems together.
We also needed to work with one another in coming up with solutions to a particular challenge by providing our respective abilities and specializations.
The skills, outcomes or benefits that we have attained from group challenges were improved or developed conflict management, cooperation, trust, communication, leadership and group decision making. Extended challenges are specifically designed to boost the capabilities of the team members.
With extended challenges, I have felt improvements in self-esteem, leadership behavior, value of group support, risk taking abilities and competency. With extended challenges, we have felt that we could do things beyond what we have first speculated.
Somehow, the limits of the team members were surpassed after solving the extended challenges. The last step in the process of teamwork was the application. This step was performed in order to follow-up the things we had learned in the previous steps. Application was also needed in order to guarantee that the previous results or successes could be repeated or continuously attained. It served as maintenance for the team where goal review, example of individual reflective report on group work, evaluation and reflection served as methods of analyzing the whole learning process.
Our team was able to overcome the difficulties that were present before the whole teamwork process or program of activities was conducted. However, still, more improvements can be done. The team can still work better if more bonding activities are performed. Time and repetition with variation reinforces the skills, knowledge and experiences attained from the teamwork process.
There were times where the team was not able to work properly, particularly in the example of individual reflective report on group work of the whole program. It can be said that an atmosphere of discomfort was present and everyone was aloof with one another.
The team could have worked better if the team members belonging to the group already knew each other, or that the team members have previously worked with one another. With good background or previous acquaintances, the team members would need less time to feel comfortable with one another. At first, there were speculations that the team members would not work well together. I, on the other hand, kept a positive thinking on the group and I gave my trust to the other group members.
As such, my perceived value for the group was met; it was even surpassed. Cite this Individual Reflection on Teamwork Individual Reflection on Teamwork. Individual Reflection on Teamwork. Accessed April 29, example of individual reflective report on group work, This is just a sample.
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Reflective Essay (Examples, Introduction, Topics) - EssayPro
, time: 9:50Individual Reflection on Teamwork Example | Graduateway
The purpose of this report is to reflect my experience on our group assignment. In this report I will discuss my experience in relation to formation of our group, organization of work and how did we manage our group work. Group Formation. This is the initial stage. This is the time when the group members and the tasks of the group will be decided Self-reflection I am very lucky to cooperate with Dan and Matt in our group project, they are great companions who always refreshed my mind and enlightened my creativity during our group work. As we have three people in our group, we came up with the idea that two of us collaboratively teach one session-I am mainly taking charge on the first 19/10/ · Individual Reflection on Teamwork Teamwork is very essential to amalgamate several individuals with varied experiences and knowledge. I believe that the presence of teamwork increases the possibilities of attaining a higher degree of effectiveness or efficiency in work
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